Sunday, November 1, 2009


Take a second to set your screen at 150% to see the photos larger.

This Halloween I finally get out of the Tower -- Ivory that is. I am seeking humanity in all its fabulous forms. Power to the People!

Bill and I like Shooters Waterfront Cafe in Ft. Lauderdale. After we watch a video of their lively 2008 Party with the sensational Riverdown Band, we know exactly where we want to go to see it ALL.

We hit the road for Shooters, arriving at Twilight....

Witchy Woman is on deck and yachts are rafted 4-deep.

We observe the gathering of Goulish Ghosts and

Ghastly Goblins.

But I am no match for the Wicked Witch of the West

and her band of Hellish Harpies

winners of Miami radio's "2009 93ROCK Halloween Contest".

A Nifty Nurse stands by, eager to help,

while hopefuls amass out front to compete for Best Costume and Hottest Bod.

Some contestants cause a double take on the dock.

Adam and Eve make multiple appearances

in different guises with snakes in tow.

Some Raggetty Dolls will do anything for a beer,

and this Fantastic Four must be up to something,

while Marshal Dillon returns to Dodge City with the Ladies of Gunsmoke.

And which yacht did my friend with this hat come from?

As I ponder this array of salty specimens, the Grim Reaper sneaks up on me....

but I escape to the bar, crowded by people, TVs and yachts,

to get a delicious, chilly Chardonnay from the Pirate Lass.

If you wonder what to wear on Halloween, all witches wear black, like my Sassy Sisters,

as well as Sexy Soulmates,

and a Sultry Spirit floating in with The Batman.

Black is also a favorite of Batgirls,


and Headless Honchos.

But RED is everywhere, the predominant fashion statement of the evening --

from the Russian table -- really --

to the Saudi Power Couple -- as if --

to Little Miss Red on the waterfront.

But don't you agree that this Red Beauty should win for moxy?

Meet my friend, Dennis Higgins, the real deal. He is an Irish FDNY veteran that will provide the bagpipes and drums for any event -- fdnydigger@yahoo.

But what's up with this "tattoo shirt" on my Biker friend. I say,"No pain, no gain."

What's wrong with this picture? Two handsome Jokers with perfect teeth!

And the Cop and the Perp are doing time together.

Behold! The Bishop and the Barmaid!

At 10 O'clock Riverdown is Rockin' and Rollin'.

Jimi Robinette is the Lead Vocalist,

Clint Ettorre is on Guitar and does vocals,

Howi Hughes is on Bass Guitar,

and CJ Wereski is on Drums.

Jimi rocks it.

I think I'll dance all night

with my new X-friends, Mystique and Wolverine

and roll with the rockin' Riverdown Band.

Thanks, Jimi!

Catch him below in the 2009 video, featuring a colorful crowd at Shooters Waterfront Cafe. See "Oz Fest" winning the $5,000 first place award for costumes in the 93ROCK Halloween Contest (updated 3/18/10).

A tip for the day after: Put Shooters on your calendar for Halloween 2010."

Until next Halloween,

Witchy Woman

All rights reserved © 2009 Leora Long and © 2009 Bill Long


  1. Greetings,

    Wonderful photo's.......Cheers for having Fun.

  2. Thanks, Richard. It was fun! I highly recommend it.
